Graphis. International Journal of Graphic Art and Applied Art.
Graphis. No. 205. (Volume 35) - 1979/80.
250 CZK Graphis. International Journal of Graphic Art and Applied Art. |
Graphis. No. 206. (Volume 35) - 1979/80.
250 CZK Graphis. International Journal of Graphic Art and Applied Art. |
Graphis. No. 207. (Volume 36) - 1980/81.
250 CZK Graphis. International Journal of Graphic Art and Applied Art. |
Graphis. No. 208. (Volume 36) - 1980/81.
250 CZK Graphis. International Journal of Graphic Art and Applied Art. |
Graphis. No. 209. (Volume 36) - 1980/81.
250 CZK Graphis. International Journal of Graphic Art and Applied Art. |
Graphis. No. 210. (Volume 36) - 1981/81.
250 CZK Graphis. International Journal of Graphic Art and Applied Art. |
Graphis. No. 213. (Volume 37) - 1981/82.
250 CZK Graphis. International Journal of Graphic Art and Applied Art. |
Graphis. No. 215. (Volume 37) - 1981/82.
250 CZK Graphis. International Journal of Graphic Art and Applied Art. |
Graphis. No. 216. (Volume 37) - 1981/82.
250 CZK Graphis. International Journal of Graphic Art and Applied Art. |
Graphis. No. 217. (Volume 37) - 1982.
250 CZK Graphis. International Journal of Graphic Art and Applied Art. |
Graphis. No. 218. (Volume 37) - 1982.
250 CZK Graphis. International Journal of Graphic Art and Applied Art. |
Graphis. No. 226. (Volume 39) - 1983.
250 CZK Graphis. International Journal of Graphic Art and Applied Art. |
Graphis. No. 227. (Volume 39) - 1983.
250 CZK Graphis. International Journal of Graphic Art and Applied Art. |
Graphis. No. 230. (Volume 40) - 1984.
250 CZK Graphis. International Journal of Graphic Art and Applied Art. |
Graphis. No. 235. (Volume 41) - 1985.
250 CZK Graphis. International Journal of Graphic Art and Applied Art. |
Graphis. No. 236. (Volume 41) - 1985.
250 CZK Graphis. International Journal of Graphic Art and Applied Art. |
Graphis. No. 127. - 1966.
Na obálce reprodukováno dílo Angela Graňeny.
Zurich, Graphis Press, Switzerland, 1971. V čísle mj.: Alena Adlerová: Czechoslovak Posters / Spanish Advertising Art and Graphic Art. ad.
Pův. brož. 300x235 Nepoškozený sešit.
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Komiks - GRAPHIS 159 - 1972. Volume 28; No. 159. Special issue: The Art of the Comic Strip.
Special issue: The Art of the Comic Strip. Volume 28; No. 159. 1972. 79 s.; obálka CLAUDE LEGALLO; obsahuje složený barev. plakát (Little Nemo ;1908); texty mj. Pierre Couperie: Antecedents and Definition of the Comic Strip.; Echoes of Modern Art in the Comic Strip.; Claude Moliterni: Narrative Technique.; Little Nemo--An Early Masterpeice of Comic-Strip Art.; speciální číslo obsahuje množství barev. a čb. vyobrazení z historie komiksu až do konce 60. let (BURNE HOGARTH; ALEX RAYMOND; HAROLD FOSTER; CHESTER GOULD; JEAN GIRAUD; GEORGE MCMANUS; WINSOR MCKAY; ANTONIO RUBINO; MORT WALKER; HAROLD GRAY; CARMINE INFANTINO; MILTON CANIFF; GUY PEELLAERT; JAMES STERANKO; WALT KELLY; MEL LAZARUS; ROY CRANE; GEORGE HERRIMAN; NEAL ADAMS; KAREL SCHULZ; JOE SCHUSTER; REED CRANDALL; JACK KIRBY; LOU FINE; HARVEY KURTZMAN; JACK DAVIS; JOHN SEVERIN; WILL EISNER; FRANK FRAZETTA; JOE KUBERT; BERNARD KRIGSTEIN; ALEX TOTH; BARRY SMITH; STEVE DITKO; FRANK SPRINGER; WILL ELDER; JEAN-CLAUDE FOREST; FRANS MASEREEL; SKIP WILLIAMSON; JAY LYNCH; WALLACE WOOD; GILBERT SHELTON; MAD PECK; ROBERT CRUMB; RICHARD CORBEN ad.). Pův. brož. 300x235 - Velmi dobrý stav. Original edition. UMĚNÍ - MONOGRAFIE - ARCHITEKTURA
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